Monday, December 15, 2008

Sixth Photo Meme

Two of my favorite pug friends Winston and Clementine tagged us for the "sixth photo" meme. The idea is to go to the sixth folder in your picture folder, and go to the sixth photo. Post it and give the background on the picture....
This is one of the littles at Libby Lu. She was invited to a Birthday Party there -Libby Lu is one of those places where the girls go and get dressed up, make up, hair, etc. This little is not much of a "girly girl" so she was not thrilled with the dressing up, but she was a good sport and enjoyed herself in the end! The other girls wore boas and dresses - this little chose a pink T-shirt and kept her shorts on!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

hahah, that is a great story - thanks for playing!!